I was asked to put together a holiday craft for our monthly Relief Society meeting. I was given a picture of a Christmas Tree and small ornaments made using string art. I was asked to duplicate the craft exactly, to which I had to decline. It didn't take me long to find the source of the picture and it was an item for sale on etsy. I respect the intellectual property of other crafters, so I asked them to trust me and I would come up with my own design.
This was my first experience with string art and I am pretty happy with out it turned out. Again, I really enjoy giving people options, so I came up with two tree designs and purchased several shades of green thread. I also pre-painted approximately 40 wood boards. That was a ton of work, but still enjoyable. Based on feedback from the women, about half ended up brown and the other half ended up gray, but each board was unique.
The other fun outcome was that my crafty son got very excited about string art. He is dreaming up ideas and I can't wait to see his creations.