Green template

Thank you so much for stopping by Toadilly Homemade! This is a place where I try to capture my favorite crafting projects. I love to create and I hope you find something that inspires you.


You've Been Assigned This Mountain...

I came across a beautiful quote.  It says, "You've been assigned this mountain to show others it can be moved."  It really struck a chord with me.  I have had some significant struggles, and when I finally opened up rather than hiding my pain, I discovered several other women making my same journey.  I was shocked.  I think there is power when we share our trials, and I think if we share our stories we can provide hope to others.

I felt there was another person who could benefit from this idea, and decided I wanted to give a sign as a gift.  I found a wood sign at Hobby Lobby on super clearance.  I brought it home, sanded it until I had a new canvas, then created this design.  I experimented with several colors and in the end I decided I wanted to go bold.  I really love color.

I hope the message inspired that person.  And I hope that maybe it will inspire you.