We sure love when family comes to visit. It doesn't happen often because we are so far south and no one seems to want to vacation in the hot, humid climate. So when a grandma comes to visit it is an especially big deal! My boys have named the guest room "The Grandma Room." I thought that was so cute, we officially named the room using vinyl. And when my mother came to visit over Christmas, I let the boys put red hearts anywhere they pleased. They even put hearts on the door knob! :)

Vinyl can also be used to help your guests, not just welcome them. A few years back, a grandmother generously offered to watch my children while my husband and I vacationed for 10 days. I knew that she would feel lost in our new house, and that she wouldn't be able to talk to us on a regular basis based on our travel plans. So I labeled drawers and cabinets to help her navigate the kitchen, dress the kids, and find important supplies like diapers and towels.

You can customize your cabinets, drawers, bins, canisters, and any other smooth surface. You can pick almost any type true font (there are thousands free on the internet!), the size of the font, and pick colors that match your decorating scheme. You may also choose to label with pictures, this is a great organizing tool for children's rooms and play areas.
And the application is a breeze! You do not have to apply each letter individually, your designs will be coated with transfer tape. Simply peel off the tape with the design, place the design on your surface, and burnish with a credit card or bowl scraper. You will then be able to carefully peel away the transfer tape and your design will stay in place until you decide you are ready for a change.